December 2, 2006

Following my Shadow

I slept late today, perhaps catching up on all of the missed hours from this past week. It was an intense five days. Shadow, though he didn't have quite as much in the way of post-Thanksgiving workload to bear, was even more excited than I to stretch his legs today. With the Biostat Belle out in Natick for (of all things) an applied statistical modeling class, he and I headed south shortly after noon to the Blue Hill Reservation.

By the time we made it back to the trailhead at the Trailside Museum two and a half hours later, we'd logged 4.95 miles, with 1428 feet of altitude change (I brought the GPS, naturally) scrambling over boulders and twisted tree roots or striding quietly down open dirt roads.

It was a spectacular early December day, with bright sun and crisp, clean air. There was very little wildlife in evidence, either to be seen or heard, as only a few jays and chickadees called from bare branches. The wind alone made noise in the trees and bare ridge lines, making for a contemplative hike.

I was amazed that of the few people I saw along the trails, at least a third of them had ear buds in instead of listening to the sounds of the outdoors.

We went to see For Your Consideration tonight, Christopher Guest's latest mockumentary. While it was no Spinal Tap, I couldn't help but laugh out loud at times. While there's no outrageous, over the top naked-hairy-bear-wrestling scene, as in Borat, this flick so thoroughly skewers the entire ecosystem of guards, extras, writers, studio execs, talk show hosts, actors, agents, producers and publicists that I can't help but be impressed by Guest's mastery of the form. Sure, Entourage is slicker, but this cast is so familiar with the form now it's enough to sit and watch them play with the characters. If rock and roll, small town stage productions, dog shows, folk music and now indie film have been rendered so, I'd love to see his treatment of Washingon.

I added a Flickr feed to the blog today too, when we returned, along with a few other sidebar tweaks.

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