May 8, 2006

On the Table

Michael Pollan has been blogging over at the New York Times. What a find -- especially today's post on the choices Americans are presented with as we choose how, what, where and why we eat, if not, generally, who.

Holdouts may exist on this last, but I'm not one of them.

I've been enjoying Pollan's incredible "food journalism "ever since I first read The Botany of Desire years ago, right up to and including his recent NYTMagazine piece, which was adapted from the recently published book, "The Omnivore's Dilemma." I'm waiting for the BPL to lend me that last.

Last week, I read "CARNAL KNOWLEDGE: How I became a Tuscan butcher.", by Bill Buford, in the "Notes of a Gastronome" column in the pages of the New Yorker.

Unbelievably good.

We're absolutely inudated with scientific and cultural rules for what we should be eating and why, who it should be purchased from and even how the animal, vegetable and occasionally mineral should have lived and how it dies.

This has been going on for all of humanity's lifespan - after all, what is more human than the act of killing, cooking and eating something? - but there is a quality and breadth to the body of information that goes into making decisions about what/when/where/how we eat surely supasses anything that has gone before.

What's for dinner tonight?

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